Leaseholder's response

PLEASE would you allow me through your paper to respond to Maurice Webb from Worthing about the current leasehold system of property tenure.

As a leasehold flat owner in Worthing for 20 years I share many of Mr Webb’s views about the leasehold system, however there is no realistic alternative as the Government have made it virtually impossible for existing leaseholders to transfer to Commonhold which is the only option if you live an existing block of flats and in addition made it unattractive for developers of new blocks to build Commonhold units despite good intentions in the 2002 Commonhold & Leasehold Reform Act, therefore we have to make the best of what we have got which is why for the last 40 years our organisation has encouraged leaseholders to get together with their neighbours ie:

The Big Society and set up a recognised tenants’ association (RTA) or Residents Association.

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