Building Chestnut Tree House

IT WAS a day many had been waiting years to happen when work to build the Chestnut Tree House children s hospice started this week.

IT WAS a day many had been waiting years to happen when work to build the Chestnut Tree House children s hospice started this week.

A whole host of guests gathered in a tree-surrounded field at The Dover, just off the A27, to see hospice president Lady Sarah Clutton perform the turf cutting ceremony.

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Lady Sarah, who donated the land for Chestnut Tree House, was given her first year s rent a bouquet of lilies and a pound coin.

A total of 30 balloons, one for each of the 29 years St Barnabas has existed and one for Chestnut Tree House, were let off into the sky to launch the work.

Markers showed where the 3.5million hospice will stand, to help children with life-limiting illnesses and their families.

A dedication was performed by hospice chaplain Father John, including readings by Kate Barker, director of care for children s services, and project director Robin Fanshawe, with the blessing by Bishop Kieran Conry.

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Chairman of the hospice board of trustees Monica Ridley said what a great pleasure it was to celebrate the start of construction work.

It was 1998 when the trustees and management team decided care should be extended to include children and young adults.

"It all seemed a very distant dream," Mrs Ridley said. "Now we are well on our way to realising that dream.

"All who are involved are looking forward to the day when we can actually open the doors to the hospice."

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Heartfelt thanks went out to Lady Sarah for giving the "precious gift" of such a "beautiful" site.

Mrs Ridley also thanked all those who had contributed to the Gazette-backed Chestnut Tree House Appeal, people who had given talks and helped with fund-raising, staff and volunteers.

Raise The Roof campaign, calling for people to buy, for just 1, one of the 180,000 clay tiles needed to finish Chestnut Tree House was also launched.

You can make your 1 contribution to the fund-raising department at St Barnabas Hospice, Columbia Drive, Worthing BN13 2QF.

Alternatively, packs to help organise fund-raising events can be provided or businesses can become a corporate partner. For more information, contact the fund-raising office on 01903 837030.

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