Magnificent tiger photos on display at Horsham Museum

Picture by Michael J Vickers, by Michael J Vickers,
Picture by Michael J Vickers,
A new exhibition in Horsham explores the links between tigers and Sussex.

Spokeswoman Rachel Weller said: “For over two hundred years tigers and Sussex have had a connection – from the one-time Felpham resident, William Blake, who immortalised it in the now famous line ‘tyger tyger burning bright’, to Winnie the Pooh, resident of Ashdown Forest whose friend Tigger was first illustrated in the 1928 A A Milne classic.”

Rachel added: “Today that connection continues as a West Sussex resident, Michael Vickers, has been campaigning to save the tiger by capturing images of these magnificent inspirational animals.”

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His photographs can be seen in the new temporary exhibition Tiger Tiger at Horsham Museum’s small photographic gallery.

“The exhibition at Horsham District Council’s Museum & Art Gallery is an opportunity to see not only fantastic wildlife photography but also to look closely at these animals whose playful and hunting nature is mimicked by the domestic moggy, possibly one of the many reasons why people’s hearts are captured by these wild creatures.

Michael said: “In 2000, after having read an article in a magazine regarding a safari to India, my wife Annie and I travelled to the tiger reserve Bandhavgarh, where we saw our first wild tiger.

“I have been fortunate enough to visit several Indian national parks enabling me now to recognize a small number of tiger families.

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