Chichester Open Studios are recruiting - plus concerts and events in the Chichester area

Mim at workMim at work
Mim at work
Chichester Open Studios is recruiting artists for 2023, with a refreshed name and smart new logo.

Chairman Mim McCann said: “2022 was my first year as chair, and I was delighted at how much of a success the event was. However, it became clear to me that we needed to rebrand the name and create a logo to clearly reflect what the event entails. Chichester Open Studios (previously Chichester Open Studios Art Trail) fully reflects our ethos as an opportunity for our local community to meet local artists in their creative worlds. Chichester Open Studios (COS) has become a key event in the Chichester Art Event calendar with it now entering its 22nd year.

“The event is such a multi-layered and unique experience for visitors to learn directly from artists, exploring concepts, processes, and personalities. Many artists also gain a deeper insight into their work by having the opportunity to discuss their practice. It can be a lonely venture being an artist and COS enables us to feel part of the local creative community as well as having a direct interaction with our audience.

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“Since my first venture into being an Open Studio Artist in 2013, I have found our annual event to be an incredibly enjoyable experience, both as an artist, visitor and now as chair. I have a fantastic supportive committee behind me this year with Becky Rose as vice chair and treasurer, Emily Ellen joining us as marketing manager and Helen Button and Daphne Casdagli continuing as valued committee members.

“In light of the coronation of King Charles III our dates for 2023 will be earlier than usual, taking place on Saturday and Sunday, April 22-23 and Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday, April 29, 30 and May 1. If you are a local artist with a with a full time/part time studio space within the Chichester area then we would love to have you to join us on the 2023 Chichester Open Studios. Just head over to our website, for full terms and conditions and our 2023 registration form. Registration ends midnight November 30 2022. We are really looking forward to welcoming both new and returning artists to the 2023 Chichester Open Studios and cannot wait to share what fantastic creativity is on the doorsteps of the community of Chichester and surrounding areas.”

Winter programme

The winter programme of events is now live at Graylingwell Chapel, bringing together comedy, music, dancing and wine-tasting.

Claire Robinson, partnerships coordinator at Chichester Community Development Trust, said: “Those looking to make a party night of it can look to book tickets for the brilliant Barn Dance on the November 18 where a live band will bring everybody to their feet, calling out the moves so even the most novice dancers can take to the floor.

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“Businesses and friend groups have the perfect Christmas party designed and ready for them at the Tinwood Wine Tasting and Christmas Party. Able to book by the table or as individuals, guests will sample the range of sparkling wines available from local vineyard Tinwood guided by its founders, with cheeseboards to enjoy as they drink. The tasting session will be followed by dancing with a DJ entertaining the guests all evening.