LETTER: How many brave backbenchers

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Well done to Cllr Tricia Youtan (Con, Itchingfield, Slinfold and Warnham) for taking to task Cllr Helena Croft on the matter of the appalling waste of money on West Street: £40,000 on plant pots; £152,500 on signposts; £70,000 on lights – the list goes on!

Cllr Youtan is one of a handful of Conservatives that has signed the Free Speech Charter which had to be brought in by your newspaper in the wake of the punishment of Cllr Christian Mitchell who was sacked as Chairman of Council for putting his residents first.

I wonder how many other backbench Tories there are brave enough to critically scrutinise the runaway spending by Cllr Helena Croft on West Street.

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Cllr Croft of course supported her leader (Cllr Dawe) pushing through council the unrealistic housing and economic plan of Cllrs Dawe, Vickers and Rae’s against the wishes of her own north Horsham residents and the Horsham Society. More waste?

Gwen Taylor

Havengate, Horsham