
TRINITY AT SOUTH MALLING: (Parish Church). The Service this coming Sunday will be Holy Communion and will be led by the Associate Vicar, Revd Jeremy Bamber, who will also be preaching. As usual in the service, Children will have their own teaching and rejoin their parents for communion. Coffee is served after the service.

RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION: Last Wednesday the association met at short notice. The Food Bank is now generally well-established and well supported. They have recently received grants for poly tunnels to grow their own fresh vegetables, and are looking for financial support to buy a refrigerated van to facilitate the provision of fresh meat. Members felt that now the food bank is secure, there needs to be a clearer division between the food bank and the day-to-day work of the association. This involves maintaining our quality of life, under threat from the current pressure on valued space for parking and housing, maintaining a quality environment, which is constantly under threat. Residents pointed to the rapidly declining appearance of Blakes Walk, the pressure to use green spaces for building, increasing graffiti around the estate, and the need for appropriate management of new developments such as when the soon to be refurbished Community Centre is completed, how and for whom should it be managed? Plans about the use of green sites are to be released by local government, later this month. Despite the increasing workload however, the committee is looking forward to a Christmas Dinner as last year, here in the Community Centre, if it is still open by then. The next association meeting is likely to be in early October and the AGM at the end of November.

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