Got a story for the Herald?

The Herald newsroom is always interested in hearing what is happening in your area, good or bad, big or small.

If you've witnessed a newsworthy story, taken a photograph, or filmed what's happening, or if you are hosting or taking part in an event, here are the ways to contact the newsroom.


The direct line to the news desk is 01903 282358.

This is the number to call to contact reporters with details of stories and events.

Weddings and civil partnerships

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Send in details of your wedding or civil partnership along with a photograph, and we'll tell your story.

Click here for a pdf of the wedding and civil partnerships report form.


Readers' photographs are always welcomed.

Pictures can be emailed to: [email protected] and, if possible please keep the images to less than 1MB in the first instance.

Include your name and contact information and details of when and where the photograph was taken.

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Readers' artistic photographs are frequently published online.

These can be sent to [email protected]


Readers' videos can be shown on the Herald's website.

Telephone 01903 282356 to arrange to send large files or to arrange to share from an online video service such as YouTube.

Videos and photographs can be dropped into the office in Chatsworth Road, Worthing.

Just click here for a map.


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Write to: Worthing Herald, Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA.

A full name and address is required before letters can be considered for publication. This can be withheld on request.

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